Cyber Crime: An Analysis


The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The guides and tutorials are intended to raise awareness about cybersecurity, privacy, and ethical hacking practices. I do not condone or encourage any illegal activity, including but not limited to hacking, cracking, unauthorized access to networks, or any other violation of local, national, or international law. By using this website, you agree that you are solely responsible for how you choose to apply the knowledge gained here. The owner of this website assumes no responsibility or liability for any misuse of the information provided. It is your responsibility to ensure that your actions are legal and ethical in your jurisdiction. Remember, actions like hacking into networks, accessing private data without permission, or any unauthorized use of tools for malicious purposes are illegal and punishable under law.


Some people who struggle financially resort to cyber crime. The first best way to earn money is to rob someone, which usually yields instant results but the chances of them getting caught are higher than ever because of law enforcement (LE) being able to find your fingerprints if any, and cameras are a thing now. The second best way to make money is through cyber crime.

Those people struggling will have to sacrifice some morals.

3 Parts

The first thing these people will need to do is create a set up with proper operational security (opsec). This means setting up an environment where they won't get caught by LE. LE aren't that competent, and the only reason cyber criminals are caught because they either made a big mistake in the beginning of their journey, such as using their personal email or their real name, or they won't stop bragging about their achievements.

Second and the most challenging part is creativity. Seriously. They can try tested methods like the Nigerian Prince Scam or create their own.

Last is money. The way they accept it digitally and physically. They would probably want to receive Monero, but Bitcoin will do fine, they'll just have to convert it into Monero. After that there are some services they may find that are peer to peer where they may trade their Monero for mailed in cash. They make sure their dealer is good and always use the sellers private key to encrypt their address, this is so that if the website/service gets compromised there is no cleartext of their address. They also make sure to use the United States Postal Service and not UPS or FedEX. The USPS packages are protected and they legally cannot check any packages so their contents won't get seized on domestic packages.


Once they've made enough or are paranoid enough, they burn everything they've used that was related to cyber crime. This is so forensics doesn't get a chance to get evidence against them. If they decide to stay in the game they usually repeat this process every so often just in case.

If they get caught

Which they' probably won't, as there are a massive amounts of Snapchat drug dealers that aren't being persecuted. It would be in the defendants best interest to not answer any questions the LE might ask them and to plead the fifth. Anything they say will be used as evidence against them and they have a right to not incriminate themselves. It is also in their best interest to request legal council and always have a lawyer present with them.


Some individuals may also sell things like narcotics and weapons but that increases their risk of getting caught since they're being more physical. Amateurs and beginners may keep things online for increased safety.