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This is the most schizo post I have made so far as of 10/30/2024. Adding or removing an observer in the double slit experiment changes how it behaves, going against logic. It is illogical, and yet it works. When there is no observer in the experiment, not even a camera, the light passing through the slits behaves as a wave, however if an observer is introduced the light behaves as a particle. I want to connect this idea to religion. Religion logically does not make sense but somehow it works. Religious belief at its center is about personal interpretation of events happening around them and attributing them to a deity. That's why there are some born again believers, they probably had a spiritual experience. The existence of gods does not make sense logically but it somehow works, like the double slit experiment.
This is also the reason why I could never be part of an organized religion for a long time, I would be too logical and I never had any spiritual experiences. When I was part of these groups I would always have a thought in the back of my mind that I could be wrong, as anyone should.
Do not worry about going to hell as I have, you're not going to be punished when you die. This is a belief from some dumbass books. Also, there are way too many religions and sects with their own beliefs about heaven and hell that chanes are you are going to hell anyway. In Christianity you got the main Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox, but within each of them you got even more sub divisions. With Protestants you got Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Lutherans, Anglicans, and more. There have been a few splits with the Catholics such as the old catholic church, society of saint pius the tenth, the liberal catholic church, and some others. With the Orthodox folk you got the oriental orthodox church, russian orthodox old believers, greek old calendarists, and some others, too tired of writing this stuff.
That stuff I just listed by the way is just Christianity, and your probability of choosing the right sect is already very slim for you. With Judaism you got the Reformists, Orthodox, Conservatives, Reconstructionists. Then in Islam you got the Sunni's, Shia's, and Ibadis. Shia's have a few sects of their own too but I won't list them because I don't want to, but there's like Ishmaelites and Twelvers from the top of my head. Now you can probably do the math, let me see if I can get my stuff straight. I think I listed about 21 sects, so 1 divided by 21 equals about 4.76%. That's about the same as the house edge in American roulette which is 5.26% with the double green zero's. In a way this is a fun gamble for people who think gambling is a sin which is pretty much all of the ones I have listen in this section.
Don't read no fallible books written by people, discover on your own. Also, don't get into debates about religion, it is simply a waste of time. Reach out to the spiritual realm and see if you experience anything. If not, that's fine, you don't really have much to lose anyway. Remember, you are right, and everyone else is wrong. Even I am wrong.