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No Need to Worry

Whenever I joined an organized religion I'd always keep an open mind and the position that I could be wrong, which is what led me out of them almost always. Being logical and religious belief do not go together. I had a period of time in my life where I explored different faiths as I had this fear that I did not wish to go to hell for eternity, it doesn't seem very pleasurable.

First off, there are way too many religions and sects for you to have a good chance to get into heaven and a high probability of going to hell. Second I'd like to mention is it's fascinating to see top religious scholars debate with each other, as nothing will convince the other party and they have a closed mindset. No matter how much you try to tell a Christian that the trial of Jesus as mentioned in the New Testament couldn't have been possible because revolutionaries were executed immediately, they will not change their mind. They always have something a religious leader will tell them to keep their faith. That's the only thing on the top off my mind right now, not trying to single out any Christians, I dislike all of them. Not sure if I'd classify myself as an anti-theist.

On another note, I hate when people use religion as an influence when voting for certain legislation. The big three Judaism Islam and Christianity have strong opinions on women not having control over their bodies. These people I do not respect. People die from this legislation. Amber Nicole Thurman died because in Georgia she could not get healthcare, because if a doctor would have performed medical duties, he/she would have been imprisoned. I'm fine with religion restricting the believer from performing certain actions or inactions, but that should not be forced onto everyone. If you beileve you shouldn't get an abortion, then don't get one.


This part seems cool, rarely do I find problems with it, it's mainly people in nature having a good time. Odin and Veles seem chill, though I wouldn't bet my money that they were real.